Monday, June 26, 2023

DiY'er Paradise - From procurement to Deployment

 Abundantware and DiY goes hand in hand. It doesn't take much to be a DiY'er. Some of the pre-requisites and not so needed ones are listed below.


  • Ability to visualize what to work on(Design, Create and Customise)
  • Improvise as the project(s)/initiative(s) like G2S, B2F manifests
  • Comfortable/love to work alone
  • Persistence
  • Follow Frugality/Austerity
  • Keep it simple 
  • Ability to look at chaos and see pattern in it.
  • Ability to learn on the go.
  • Ability to learn from the mistakes
  • Self directed
  • Maverick
  • Patience
  • Open to
    • lift Weight
    • tool/machine sound
    • get yourself dirty
    • injuries 
Not Needed
  • Excellent Communication skill
  • Socializing skill/Work in a team

Saturday, December 26, 2020

B2F Initiative (Update 26-Dec-2020)

Miniature rainforest made out of edible plants :) - Only so much can be planted on 400 x 300 cm land.

There is still more to come.

B2F consist of

1- Corn

2- Cucumber

3- Tomato(Roma, Truss, cherry)

4- Carrot

5- Beetroot

6- Capcicum

7- Karripatta

8- Basil

9- Raddish

10- Mango(Transfer to pot)

11- Avacado(Transfer to pot)

12- Custard apple(Transfer to pot)

13- Potato(Red and white)

14- Cherry(yet to come)

15- Plum(pot)

16- Necterine(pot)

17- Papaya

18- Beans

This doesn't include plant(s) or tree(s) that already existed on AESthesia.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Tweaks while fixing Pergola sheets

 Before getting into the issue lets get a hang of terms used, using an image(That's how I do it. Some of the roofing components aren't there, like plywood sheet and Sarking).

Prev resident of the house had the issue of water dripping from fascia. 
The Blue arrow shows the mark created by dripping water(prev resident)
Reason:-  Water was backtracking its way inside the softfit and was finding its way to fascia 
Solution:- Install drip edge under the roof and over the rain gutter. Used Aluminum sheet to create drip edge, which works.
Placing the cut sheet under the roof and over the rain gutter, like so
The metal is not touching any other metal so there won't be any reaction - Topic to search for is "metallurgy".

Even the Rain Gutter was dripping water because water was backtracking from polycarbonate sheet.
Solution: Used the excess polycarbonate sheet to create something of this sort(see image below). Its tested and it works.
This tweak goes under the fixed polycarbonate sheet - Use epoxy to stick the piece to polycarbonate sheet, Gorilla glue won't work.
Sample of how it goes under the sheet(used clips to test the tweak before fixing it permanently ).

LandA house structures are different from LandI house

DIY'er - Getting hands on house/home(Makan)  improvement require acclimatization to LandA specific house structures. 

 Different terms associated with LandA house(placeholder for reference) there are umpteen diagrams all over the www. 

Same search at different time shows different image(s). so for consistency, using these images as reference material for my own use.

To avoid copyright issues used painting tool to draw one with label(s).

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

F1rst Post

 Various terms used

AES => Abundance EcoSystem



Abundantware -> Its all about Transitioning away from SBS(Scarcity Based System)/MBS(Monetary Based System)