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3 layered approach/kavach kundal to transition towards AESystem(Abundanance Ecosystem). Its a stage by stage process of decoupling activities of AESystem from SBS/MBS(Scarcity Based System/Monetary based system). Reason being, various stages of implementing activity(ies) in AES(also the transition phase) will involve scavenging in SBS/MBS, keeping in mind not to let loose the reptilian characteristics. DIY is one way to move towards self sustainability and away from SBS. Our everyday life activity(ies) one way or the other works in conjunction with abundantware manifesto..
Answer to some questions like
# What SBS promotes in a human soul?
# Is there an alternate system which makes earthlings more humane?
# Is competition or comparison providing abundance for all or for some sect?
# Even when there is enough for all, then why do we need an ancient regulatory system like MBS?
# Do we(humane ones) as an evolved species work on something that provides for all or we scavenge in the same ancient regulatory MBS/SBS?
# SBS/MBS promotes using your reptilian brain(Scavenging for ones own)/NeoCortex.
will point to what this is all about .

A: AESthesia, Land A, Darug Land(aboriginal)
        17A Aylward Ave, Quakers Hill 2763
        NSW, Au

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